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04 Apr 2019

14-18 April 2019, San Francisco, USA: NORRAG panels at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Education for Sustainability

NORRAG and its network members will participate in the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference on 14-18 April 2019, San Francisco, USA.

With the growth and evolution of philanthropy in education worldwide, NORRAG’s panels seek to explain the possible impact of new philanthropy and other similar approaches as it bypasses existing policies and practice. Consistent with long-standing international agreements, as well as growing trends to encourage private sector participation in both policy formulation and provision of education to compensate perceived contemporary inadequacies, the emphasis will be on how these radically different approaches and agreements can, and are likely to, affect public education both locally in the United States and globally.

These panels are aimed to contribute to better understand how the emerging philanthropic trends emanating from new technology philanthropists develop their strategies, as well as shed light on how their evolving engagement potentially affects local and international educational development.

As in previous years, NORRAG will host a reception for members and interested parties on Wednesday 17 April from 20.30-21.45pm, location Waterfront CD, for an informal get-together and networking opportunity.

This information below is extracted from the CIES Programme available at the following link.

Download NORRAG Programme at CIES

NORRAG Members Highlighted Sessions

To be included in the list of NORRAG Highlighted Sessions, please send an email to with the subject: “CIES”

More information:

CIES registration and information

NORRAG will contribute to the following sessions at CIES 2019:

Tuesday 16 April
Panel Session: New philanthropy: “disruption”
and the implications for education development
(I)Chair: Alexandra Draxler, Senior Advisor,
Presenter: Megan Haggerty, Coordinator,
International Education Funders Group
Paper: The promises and challenges of diverse
philanthropic camps in education: A view from
the funders
Presenter: Lara Patil, Adviser, NORRAG
Paper: The Evolution of Silicon Valley
Philanthropy: “Disruption” and the Implications
for Educational Development
Presenter: Marina Avelar, Research Associate,
Paper: “Foundations are everywhere, all the
time”: New philanthropy’s diffuse approach to
education policy-making
Discussant: Karen Mundy, OISE University of
Hyatt Regency, Level -1, Pacific F
Panel Session: New philanthropy:
“disruption” and the implications for
education development (II)
Chair: Natasha Ridge, Executive Director of
the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation
for Policy Research
Presenter: Hugh McLean, Open Society Foundations
Paper: Disruption, Dissemblance and Dissidence
in an Age of Reaction
Presenter: Kathryn Moeller, Visiting Assistant
Professor, Stanford University (principal presenter)
and Rebecca Tarlau, Assistant Professor,
Pennsylvania State University
Paper: “Philanthropizing” Consent: How a
Private Foundation Pushed through National
Learning Standards in Brazil
Presenter: Tyler Hook, Doctoral Student,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Paper: Classroom Disruptions: New Philanthropy
and Education Policy Reform in Liberia
Discussant: Lara Patil, Adviser, NORRAG
Hyatt Regency, Level -1, Pacific F
Wednesday 17 April
Book Launch: “The State, Business and Education:
Public-private partnerships revisited”,
edited by Gita Steiner Khamsi and Alexandra
Roundtable: Alexandra Draxler, Senior Advisor,
Hyatt Regency, Bay (Level 1), Bayview B

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