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01 Dec 2021

16 December 2019: NORRAG/IHEID at GRF side-event “University Refugee Forum”

Students at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, involved in a student-led initiative for refugee education will participate in a panel on 16 December 2019 at the “University Refugee Forum”, a Global Refugee Forum (GRF) side-event organised by the University of Geneva. In addition, the report “Education and Migration: Recommendations for Practitioners” will be presented during a poster session. The report is a NORRAG / RECI (Réseau Suisse Education et Coopération Internationale) initiative started in 2018.

Students at the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies (IHEID) founded the “Migration Initiative” in 2016. The initiative aims to link the academic world at the Institute with migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and other victims of forced displacement. Some of the projects in 2019 include French classes for refugees and vulnerable migrants in Geneva; intensive summer French course at the Graduate Institute; roundtables discussions to promote discussions about migration and refugee issues and refugee scholarships at IHEID.

The Education and Migration Report results from the work of a working group, set up after the organisation by RECI and NORRAG of a major conference on Education and Migration in 2018. The working group ‘Education and Migration’ included RECI, NORRAG, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Caritas Switzerland, Canton of Zurich, Save the Children Switzerland, RET International and the Department for Public Instruction of Canton Geneva. The report which will be presented at the GRF Side-Event is the result of the efforts of this working group. It presents six case studies, on “good practice examples” which provide recommendations to improve access to education for refugee and migrant children and youth. The report not only looks at Swiss and international good practice in refugee education but also considers how both areas can mutually inform each other and cross-fertilise. The recommendations are addressed to both practitioners and policy-makers. A launch presentation of the report is expected to take place at the Graduate Institute, Geneva late January 2020.

See the poster

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