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21 May 2020

27.05.20: Launch event KIX Hub Europe Asia Pacific Region

NORRAG is organizing the online Launch Event of the newly started KIX Hub for Europe, Asia, Pacific (EAP) on 27 May 2020. The event will bring together the GPE focal points in the 21 participating countries, members of national KIX steering committees, coordinating agencies representatives, project partners and other invited guests from organizations active in the region. Upcoming KIX activities in the region will be presented and discussed and the participants will have the opportunity to share their thematic priorities and suggestions.

flyer for the meeting

KIX (Knowledge and Innovation Exchange) is a joint endeavour between the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) that supports the sharing of knowledge, innovation and best practices across countries in order to strengthen education systems. NORRAG’s specific objectives as Regional Learning Partner for the EAP Hub are to enhance the utilization of global public goods for national policy analysis and planning, mobilize national experts for agenda setting, policy analysis, and policy advice, and identify and learn from successful innovation for future project design.

Please note this event is on invitation only. More information:

Watch our countdown videos to the launch event.

Launch of the Regional KIX Hub for Europe – Asia – Pacific start in:

More information to follow…

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