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08 Jul 2024

KIX EMAP Webinar 20: Emerging lessons about what works in scaling

Date and time: 31 July 2024, 1:00 – 2:30 PM (CET / Geneva)
Location: Online
The webinar will be conducted in English with interpretation in Arabic and Russian.



The KIX EMAP Hub Webinar 20 will be organised in partnership with the Research on Scaling the Impact of Innovations in Education (ROSIE) project, facilitated by the Millions Learning project at the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings as part of GPE KIX, on the topic of scaling impact in education. The purpose of this webinar is to share key insights and lessons learned on scaling impact in education with key stakeholders from the EMAP region; engage in discussion and dialogue around these topics; and learn from the expertise and experiences of all participants, including their own approaches, challenges, and questions related to scaling.

The webinar will introduce the concept of scaling for impact, and then explore three key scaling themes that have emerged from the past three years of ROSIE scaling research. These themes include centralising equity in scaling work, the role of research for and about scaling, and engaging champions in support of scaling. 

Several KIX teams from the EMAP region will share illustrative examples of how these themes play out in practice in their own work. The session will allow time for questions, reflections, and discussion between the presenters and the audience.

Speaker information to follow.



Welcome & introductions
Defining scaling for impact

A brief presentation sharing findings from eight years of Millions Learning scaling research related to key questions, including:

  • Why focus on scaling?
  • How do you define scaling?
  • What is scaling for impact?
  • Why is it important to study “how” scaling happens?
Key scaling themes emerging from the “Research on Scaling the Impact of Innovations” (ROSIE) project

Overview of ROSIE

  • Knowing the context and viewing your work through a scaling lens
  • The role of champions in scaling
  • Being reflective, adaptive, coordinated, and collaborative
  • Equity considerations when scaling
Panel discussion: Sharing scaling experiences from the EMAP region Moderated discussion with two GPE KIX teams from the EMAP region reflecting on their approaches to scaling impact. Teams will share examples of how they engage with champions, centre equity in their work, and conduct research to inform their scaling.
Closing remarks



Anyone is eligible to participate. The webinar is particularly aimed at policy makers, education stakeholders, officials, teachers and academic researchers. To access the webinar, you need to register in advance. Please spread the news about this event to your colleagues and networks, and on social media: @NORRAG and @KIXEMAP.



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