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29 Sep 2019

Call for Contributions - NORRAG Special Issue 04 New philanthropy, disruption, and other debatable trends

NORRAG, an associate program of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, invites specialists and stakeholders interested or involved in philanthropy in education to contribute an article between 3 to 4 pages (about 1500 words) to NSI 04 – New philanthropy, disruption and other debatable trends. Articles can be submitted in English, French or Spanish.

New philanthropy organizations are increasingly changing by incorporating business logics, blurring lines between profit and social purposes, adopting innovative and disruptive practices, using technology in its endeavors and working in a global scale. Their work can disrupt traditional structures and change education, with potential for improvement but also pose some risks and challenges to education, development and social justice. As these organizations continue to grow across the world and become more influential actors in education, there is need to deepen the collective knowledge of the sector. NORRAG’s work in the area of philanthropy in education seeks to facilitate greater understanding and collaboration between philanthropic organizations, national policymakers, representatives of international organizations and academics working in the field of education.

NSI 04 aims to highlight global and national level experiences and perspectives on the participation of new philanthropy in education. The intent is to identify common dimensions and trends across countries, as well as local idiosyncrasies. While not required to fall into one of these categories, contributions may discuss the topics and questions below. Authors are welcome to contact the editors before submission to confirm whether their contribution fits the scope of this issue:

  1. New frontiers between public and private and the emerging role of philanthropy: How is the relationship between public and private changing? How governments and multilateral aid agencies are welcoming philanthropic actors in the delivery of social/public services? How are philanthropic organisations involved in education policy making and advocacy? What policies do they advocate for, and with what strategies? What are the consequences for education?
  2. Changes around philanthropy, profit, disruption and technology: How are blurrings between social and financial interests changing philanthropy? What “new” practices from the market (such as emphasis on ‘impact’, ‘efficiency’…) are being adopted by philanthropy? How are big business and innovative practices from technology philanthropists and industries changing the philanthropic landscape? What are the potential consequences of emerging philanthropic practices on education?
  3. Globalization of philanthropy: How are the discourses, practices, institutions and networks operating globally? How do these travel around the globe? What are the relationships between philanthropy and the global aid architecture, and general implications to educational development at a global scale? What are the local/regional characteristics that echo and/or contradict global trends?

NORRAG Special issue (NSI) is an open-source periodical. It seeks to give prominence to authors from different countries and with diverse perspectives. Each issue is dedicated to a special topic of global education policy and international cooperation in education. NSI includes between 30 and 40 concise articles from with the aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to reflect advocacy and policy in international education development.

Guest editors: Marina Avelar, Ph.D., Research Associate, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, NORRAG and Lara Patil, Ed.D., Advisor, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, NORRAG.

Contact: and

Deadline for submission: 25 October 2019

Download the call for contributions (PDF)

Additional guidelines for NSI 04 articles  (PDF)

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