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10 Dec 2024

Call for Papers: “Teacher Professional Development at Scale Enabled by Emerging Technologies”

Special Issue of ECNU Review of Education 2025
“Teacher Professional Development at Scale Enabled by Emerging Technologies”

East China Normal University (ECNU) Review of Education invites manuscript submissions for a forthcoming special issue themed “Teacher Professional Development at Scale Enabled by Emerging Technologies”. This special issue aims to explore and illuminate the global experience and insights of how emerging technologies enabled teacher professional development at scale for equity, quality and efficiency.

Call for Submissions:

They invite empirical research papers, theoretical articles, and case studies that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Case studies on the design and/or implementation of TPD at scale enabled by emerging technologies in different contexts, and the role of emerging technologies.
  • Systematic reviews of TPD at scale enabled by emerging technologies and its impacts on equity, quality and efficiency.
  • Empirical studies on the impacts of TPD at scale enabled by emerging technologies on equity, quality and efficiency.
  • Methodological advancements in researching emerging technologies enabled TPD at scale, with an emphasis on localisation and adaptation.
  • Theoretical frameworks and perspectives from the Gender, Equity and Social Inclusive (GESI) lens to frame research of emerging technologies enabled TPD at scale.

Those who are interested in contributing to the special issue should submit an extended abstract to Ms LIANG Min Alex ( by 31 January 2025. The abstract should be less than 500 words (single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font) and must include all co-authors’ names and affiliations.

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