The Editorial Board’s role is to support NORRAG in its strategy for the production, dissemination and brokering of critical knowledge around its core themes. The Editorial Board helps to ensure that NORRAG’s publications both fit into and cover the key themes of its work, notably international policy agendas and governance; right to education/human rights-based approaches in basic education; private sector engagement in education and innovative financing, and the basic education-vocational skills development nexus. It acts as the guarantor of quality and diversity of print and online publications by working with the editors of NORRAG’s book series, NORRAG Special Issue (NSI) and NORRAG’s blog.

The Editorial Board is currently composed of:

Maren Elfert
Chair. Senior Lecturer in International Education, King’s College London.
Felicitas Acosta
Professor and Researcher, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires and Editor of the Spanish language version of NSI
Chanwoong Baek
Assistant Professor, International Relations/Political Science, Geneva Graduate Institute and Academic Director, NORRAG
Alexandra Draxler
Senior Advisor of NORRAG, Board Chair
Moira V. Faul
Executive Director, NORRAG
Kairat Kurakbayev
Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University
Moses Oketch
Professor of International Education Policy and Development, University College London
Iveta Silova
Professor and Director of the Center for the Advanced Studies in Global Education at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
Rasha Sharaf
Professor of International and Comparative Education and Education Administration, Helwan University andKIX EAP Knowledge Lead, NORRAG
Jun Teng
Deputy Director, Associate Professor of Institute of International and Comparative Education-IICE, Beijing Normal University and Editor of the Chinese language version of NSI
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