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18 Jan 2023

Event Highlights: Launch of the Chinese Edition of NORRAG Special Issue 06: “States of Emergency: Education in the Time of COVID-19”

The Chinese Edition of NSI 06, prepared by Jun Teng, Deputy Director, Professor of Institute of International and Comparative Education-IICE, Beijing Normal University and Editor of the Chinese language version of NSI, was launched online on 30 December 2022. It includes two articles written by authors located in China in addition to translations of 15 articles from the original NSI 06.

NSI 06 focuses on topics including inequalities, technology, states, progress, affect and nature, reflecting the different perspectives and methodological approaches undertaken by researchers from around the world on examining the role of the pandemic in the education system. The event, which offered a comprehensive overview of the Chinese edition of NSI 06, presentations by the  contributing authors and an interactive Q&A, was attended by 20 Chinese-speaking participants, including academic colleagues and front-line educators. 

The two articles, whose findings were presented at the event by the research team of Professor Jun Teng, chief editor for the Chinese version of NSI, are:

  • “Challenges and Opportunities: What Can We Learn from the Learning Crisis During COVID-19?” by Zhujun Jiang,  PhD. Candidate at the Institute of International and Comparative Education at Beijing Normal University and Fanshu Gong, Master Student at the Institute of International and Comparative Education of Beijing Normal University; and 
  • “Who is paying for teachers’ time: Teacher participation in epidemic prevention and educational inequality in the context of COVID-19?” by Zixiao Xu, Master Student at the Institute of International and Comparative Education of Beijing Normal University.

NSI 06 Chinese Edition can be downloaded from the NORRAG Resource Library by clicking on the link below. The English version, published in October 2021, is also available for download.

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活动回顾: NORRAG特刊第六期中文版《紧急状态:新冠肺炎疫情时期的教育》发布











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