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21 Nov 2024

Event Highlights: Launch of the Chinese Edition of NORRAG Special Issue 08 “The Education-Training-Work Continuums: Pathways to Socio-Professional Inclusion for Youth and Adults”


On Friday, November 15, 2024, the online launch event for the Chinese edition of the NORRAG Special Issue No. 08 (NSI 08) was held. The event was hosted by Associate Professor Yiyun Hu from the Institute of International and Comparative Education at Beijing Normal University (BNU). The Chinese edition was co-edited by Professor Teng Jun, Associate Professor Huang Yu, and Associate Professor Yiyun Hu, all from BNU’s Institute of International and Comparative Education.
The launch began with Professor Teng Jun, one of the chief editors, providing an overview of NSI, including its background and mission. Associate Professor Yiyun Hu then introduced the theme and editorial principles of the Chinese edition, focusing on the continuity between education, training, and work. The Chinese edition centers on vocational education and employment, featuring 12 articles from the original NSI 08 issue and 2 specially commissioned Chinese articles. It reflects a balance of international and domestic concerns, highlighting diversity across regions and countries, data and perspectives, and the inclusion of multidisciplinary content.
In the second part, contributors to the Chinese edition presented localized research findings. Associate Professor Bai Bin and his team from BNU’s Institute of Vocational and Adult Education shared their research on the implementation of China’s “1+X” vocational certification policy, using the automotive sector as a case study. This research analyzed the unique characteristics of vocational education in China and explored challenges and strategies for its development. Additionally, Li Zitong and Li Jingyan from BNU presented a literature review titled Promoting the Continuity Between Education, Training, and Work: A Review of NSI 08, summarizing key insights on formal in-school training and informal out-of-school training from NSI 08.
The event concluded with an open discussion on the theme of “continuity between education, training, and work,” where participants exchanged ideas with the editorial team. Associate Professor Huang Yu delivered the closing remarks, emphasizing how the launch facilitated dialogue among international scholars on education, training, and work continuity. He noted its significance for advancing sustainable development at national, societal, and individual levels.
This launch marked an important milestone in fostering international collaboration and knowledge-sharing in vocational education and employment studies.


2024年11月15日星期五,NORRAG第八期特刊(以下简称NSI 08)中文版发布会在线上举行,发布会由中国的北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院胡昳昀副教授主持。中文版特刊主编由来自北京师范大学国际与比较教育研究院的滕珺教授、黄宇副教授和胡昳昀副教授担任。
发布会的第一环节由NSI 08中文特刊的主编滕珺教授为参会人员介绍NSI的基本信息。胡昳昀副教授围绕教育-培训-工作之间的连续性问题,对本期中文版特刊的主题及组稿原则进行解读。本期中文特刊聚焦职业教育和就业问题,选稿包括NSI 08原刊中的12篇文章以及2篇中文版特约文章,兼顾国际与国内关切,全面地考虑了地区与国家的多样性、数据和观点的平衡性和内容的多质性。
第二阶段中,中文特刊团队分享了特刊中的本土化研究成果。北京师范大学职业与成人教育研究所的白滨副教授团队分享《职业教育 “1+X” 证书政策实施效果的调查研究——以汽车专业领域为例》研究成果,从职业教育证书发放为切入点,分析了中国职业教育发展的独特性,以及中国职业发展中遇到的问题及对策。我院李子彤和李婧妍分享了《促进教育、培训与工作间的衔接:NORRAG专刊08文献综述》研究成果,从非正式校外培训和正式校内培训两方面总结了NSI 08的内容。

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