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10 May 2022

Events Highlights: NORRAG at CIES 2022 "Illuminating the power of idea/lism"

The NORRAG team participated in this year’s Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference which took place both virtually and in-person in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA from 18 April to 22 April 2022. This year’s CIES conference theme was Illuminating the Power of Idealism. NORRAG representatives presented during four panel discussions and four paper sessions (in bold). The below sessions have been organised following the five NORRAG themes: Network, Data and evidence, Education and the SDGs, Innovations and disruptions and Private sector approaches.


Tuesday 19 April 2022: CIES is one of the rare opportunities to bring together many of our network members face-to-face. This year, NORRAG, UNESCO-IBE and UNESCO-IIEP co-hosted a reception at CIES. The event was very well attended, particularly by researchers from the Global South, and students and early career researchers, as well as long standing NORRAG members, partners and supporters, including Senior Fellows and Consultative Committee members. We celebrated:

  • NORRAG’s 45th anniversary working at the intersection of education research and policy and promoting knowledge equity between the South and North, launching #TheSouthAlsoKnows and our new decentralised network tool;
  • UNESCO-IBE’s latest strategy in its long standing mission (since 1929, as the first international organisation dedicated to education) to support curriculum, teaching, learning and assessment processes and outcomes; and
  • UNESCO-IIEP’s support (since 1963) to Ministries of Education in planning and managing their education systems to ensure strong implementation of education reforms.

Data and evidence

Friday 22 April 2022: Daniel D. Shepard, NORRAG’s Missing Data Project Lead, chaired the virtual panel session “Conceptualizing and Addressing SDG 4 Data Gaps: Global and Regional Perspectives.”



Engage with us as the presenters and other experts continue to address gaps in the current education data system through NORRAG’s Missing Education Data blog series.

Wednesday 20 April 2022: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, NORRAG Academic Director, and Professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute and Teachers’ College, Columbia University, presented at the panel session “Evidence and Peer Learning in Transnational Education Policy: A Comparison between OECD and World Bank.”


  • Antoni Verger, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (chair)


Education and the SDGs

Wednesday 20 April 2022: NORRAG Advisor, Lara Patil, presented her research at the paper session “Covid-19 Transitions in Schooling.”


  • Jean-Francois Emmanuel, Associate Professor of Comparative and International Education, Ohio University


Innovations and Disruptions

Friday 22 April 2022:  Moira V. Faul, Executive Director, NORRAG, Geneva Graduate Institute organised the panel  session, “Applying Ideas from Systems Thinking to International Education and Development” that was chaired by Gita Steiner-Khamsi, NORRAG Academic Director, and Professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute and Teachers’ College, Columbia University.


  • Gita Steiner-Khamsi, NORRAG Director, and Professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute and Teachers’ College, Columbia University


Friday 22 April 2022: Alexandra Draxler, NORRAG Senior Advisor, was a featured discussant for the virtual panel session “UNESCO’s “Faure report” – 50 years on.”


  • Maren Elfert, Lecturer, King’s College London



  • Alexandra Draxler, Senior Advisor, NORRAG

Private sector approaches

Wednesday 20 April 2022: NORRAG Advisors, Marina Avelar and Lara Patil, presented in the session, “Amplified Trends in Pandemic Times: New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Global Education.” This virtual discussion was chaired by Moira V. Faul, Executive Director, NORRAG, Geneva Graduate Institute.


  • Moira V. Faul, Executive Director, NORRAG, Geneva Graduate Institute



  • Karen Mundy, Director,  IIEP-UNESCO
  • Prachi Srivastava, Associate Professor, Western University

Read NORRAG Special Issue 04: New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Education

Thursday 21 April 2022: Arushi Terway, Senior Lead Research Associate, NORRAG and Marina Dreux Frotté, Programme coordinator, NORRAG Highlighted paper session “Results Based Financing – Theory and practice of linking financing to results in education administrative management.”


  • Nicholas Burnett, Senior Fellow, Results for Development Institute



  • Saamira Halabi, Senior Education Specialist, Education Global Practice

Read the paper here

See the NORRAG at CIES 2022 programme below


CIES Presentations and Events Featuring the NORRAG Team 

Please note that we are only listing NORRAG staff; the panels will include other participants. Time is in CEST and CDT

Tuesday, 19 April 2022
8:00pm CEST NORRAG, UNESCO-IBE and UNESCO-IIEP Reception Lakeshore A meeting room, Hyatt hotel
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
1:00pm – 2:30pm CEST / 6:00am – 7:30am CDT Panel Session: Amplified Trends in Pandemic Times: New Philanthropy and the Disruption of Global Education

Chair: Moira V. Faul, NORRAG Executive Director

Presenters: Marina Avelar, NORRAG Advisor, and Lara Patil, NORRAG Advisor

Zoom Room 125
10:00pm – 11:30pm CEST / 3:00pm – 4:30pm CDT Panel Session: Evidence and Peer Learning in Transnational Education Policy: A Comparison between OECD and World Bank

Presenter: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, NORRAG Director, and Professor at the Graduate Institute, Geneva and Teachers’ College, Columbia University

Zoom and In-person, Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway J
10:00pm – 11:30pm CEST / 3:00pm – 4:30pm CDT Panel Session: Disaster philanthropy: The power and influence of for-profit philanthropy in pandemic times

Chair: Lara Patil, NORRAG Advisor

Zoom and In-person, Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway I
Thursday, 21 April 2022
12:00am – 1:30am CEST / 5:00pm – 6:30pm CDT (Wednesday) Panel Session: Results-Based Financing at the meso-level of the education system: A review of theory and practice

Presenters: Arushi Terway, NORRAG Senior Lead Researcher and Marina Dreux Frotté, NORRAG Programme Coordinator

Zoom and In-person, Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Nicollet D3
 Friday, 22 April, 2022
4:00am – 5:30am CEST / 9:00pm – 10:30pm CDT (Thursday) Panel Session: UNESCO’s “Faure report” – 50 years on

Discussant: Alexandra Draxler, NORRAG Senior Advisor

Zoom and In-person, Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway J
1:00pm – 2:30pm CEST / 6:00am – 7:30am CDT Panel Session: Conceptualizing and Addressing SDG 4 Data Gaps: Global and Regional Perspectives

Chair: Daniel D. Shepard, Missing Data Project Lead

Zoom Room 124
4:30pm – 6:00pm CEST / 9:30am – 11:00am CDT Panel Session: Applying Ideas from Systems Thinking to International Education and Development

Chair: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, NORRAG Director

Presenter: Moira V. Faul, NORRAG Executive Director

Zoom and In-person, Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway J

NORRAG Highlighted Sessions

*This list is continually being updated. Please check back regularly.

Below are the CIES 2022 presentations & events which feature NORRAG Members. Those underlined are part of the Consultative Committee (CC), Editorial Board (EB) and/or Senior Fellows Programme (SF).

Time is in CEST and CST 

Monday, April 18, 2022
1:00pm – 4:00pm/ 6:00am – 9:00am Pre-Conference Workshop: Exploring school leadership across contexts through the (virtual, open source) Comparative Educational Leadership Lab

Chairs: Cathryn Magno, University of Fribourg; Anna Becker, University of Fribourg

Presenters: Felicitas María Acosta (EB), Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Mary Mendenhall, Teachers College, Columbia University; Danielle Lorber Falk, Teachers College, Columbia University; Jonathan Kwok, Columbia University Teachers College; Emily Ervin, Columbia University Teachers College; Carol Anne Spreen, New York Univesity

Zoom Room 103
8:00pm – 11:00pm/ 1:00pm – 4:00pm Pre-Conference Workshop: How to ace results in reading and math? Secrets you won’t hear elsewhere

Organizer: Helen Abadzi, University of Texas at Arlington

Presenters: Aglaia Zafeirakou, The World Bank

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway A
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
12:00am – 1:30am/ 5:00pm – 6:30pm Paper Session: Stacking the Deck for Sustainability: Youth “Lessons” to Turn it Around

Chair: Iveta Silova (EB & SF), Arizona State University

Presenters: Noah W Sobe, Loyola University Chicago & UNESCO; Hugh McLean, Open Society Foundations; Carrie Karsgaard, University of Alberta

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway G
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Panel Session: The Role of Education Actors in addressing Climate Change

Chair: Iveta Silova (EB & SF), Arizona State University

Presenters: Stacy Richards-Kennedy, The University of the West Indies; Jennifer Ulrick, Education International; Meg Baker, Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK); Sebastian Berger, Global Students Forum

Zoom Room 122
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Panel Session: A global reset? Covid-19 and the future of education and learning

Chair: Keith Malcolm Lewin, University of Sussex Centre For International Education

Presenters: Crain Soudien (CC & SF), Human Sciences Research Council; Yong Zhao, University of Kansas; Robert Arnove, Indiana University – Bloomington; Colette Chabbott, George Washington University; Margaret Sinclair, Independent Consultant; Conrad Hughes, Private

Discussant: Keith Malcolm Lewin, University of Sussex Centre For International Education

Zoom Room 131
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Panel Session: Learning in Emergencies – Evidence and Approaches

Chair: Rebecca Telford, UNHCR

Presenters: Dana Burde (CC), New York University; Yasmina Eugenia Haddad, American Institutes for Research; Heddy Lahmann, New York University; Victoria Rothbard, American Institutes for Research; Dina Abu Ghaida, World Bank; Peter Holland, World Bank

Discussant: Josephine Bourne, World Bank/GPE

Zoom Room 138
4:30pm – 6:00pm/ 9:30am – 11:00am Panel Session: Crisis-sensitive planning and the multiple pathways toward refugee inclusion in national education systems

Chair: Rebecca Telford, UNHCR

Presenters: Jennie Taylor, UNHCR; Cirenia Chavez, UNHCR; Fabricia Devignes, IIEP-UNESCO; Leonora Macewen, UNESCO IIEP

Discussant: Suzanne Grant Lewis (CC),

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway G
4:30pm – 6:00pm/ 9:30am – 11:00am Panel Session: Governing education through performance data and accountability instruments: Enactment dynamics and regulatory effects

Chair: Lluís Parcerisa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Presenters: Antoni Verger (CC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Guri Skedsmo, University of Oslo; Gerard Ferrer-Esteban, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Lluís Parcerisa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Edgar Quilabert, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Mauro C Moschetti, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Marcel Pagès, University of Girona

Discussant: Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido, University of Helsinki

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway I
4:30pm – 6:00pm/ 9:30am – 11:00am Paper Session: Investigating the Role of the Government, Foundations, and Higher Education Institutions in Philanthropy

Chair: Janaan O Farhat, Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research

Presenters: Hongwei Zhao, Henan Finance University; Helen Abadzi, University of Texas at Arlington; Fumitake Fukui, Kamakura Women’s University; Tomas Esper, Columbia University Teachers College; Ivan Matovich, Monash University

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Skyway Suite A
10:00pm – 11:30pm/ 3:00pm – 4:30pm Paper Session: Actors, Entanglements, and International Aid Critique

Chair: Hang M Le, University of Maryland, College Park

Presentations: Mario Novelli (CC), University of Sussex; Xiaoying Jiang, The Pennsylvania State University; Jennifer Mwikali Katiwa, Jitegemee Children Program; Verity Norman-Tichawangana, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Skyway Suite B
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
12:00am – 1:30am/ 5:00pm – 6:30pm (Tuesday) Book Launch: Comparative and International Education: Leading Perspectives from the Field

Presenters: Steven J. Klees, University of Maryland; Beverly Lindsay, University of California; Martin Carnoy, Stanford University; Ruth Emilie Scott Hayhoe, O.I.S.E. University of Toronto; Joel Samoff, Stanford University, John R Schwille, Michigan State University; Ratna Ghosh, McGill University

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 1, Lakeshore A
4:00am – 5:30am/ 9:00pm – 10:30pm (Tuesday) Book Launch: Education in Pandemics: Soft Launch of a Special Issue of the Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE)

Chair: Mark Ginsburg, University of Maryland

Discussant: Suzanne Grant Lewis (CC),

Presenters: Randa Grob,; Craig Davis, DAI Global LLC

Zoom Room 102
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Book Launch: Learning, Marginalization, and Improving the Quality of Education in Low-income Countries

Chairs: Suzanne Grant Lewis (CC),, Nathan M. Castillo, University of Illinois

Presenter: Daniel A Wagner, University of Pennsylvania

Zoom Room 117
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Panel Session: Teaching, Teachers and Teacher Education: The role and positioning of teachers during times of uncertainty

Chairs: Marcina Singh-De Vaal, Cape Peninsula University of Technology; Angleine Mbogo Barrett, University of Bristol

Presenters: Yusuf Sayed, University of Sussex; Marcina Singh-De Vaal, Cape Peninsula University of Technology; Shireen Motala, University of Johanne; Otilia Fortunate Chiramba, University of Johannesburg

Discussant: Mario Novelli (CC), University of Sussex

Zoom Room 112
4:30pm – 6:00pm/ 9:30am – 11:00am Paper Session: Strengthening Public Education: Tools and Experiences for aligning Education Policies with the Right to Education

Chair:  Steven J. Klees, University of Maryland

Presentations: Marina Avelar, NORRAG, Sylvain Aubry, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Zsuzsanna Nyitray, Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; Delphine Dorsi, Right to Education Initiative; Frank Adamson, California State University, Sacramento; Juana Barragan, UNESCO IIEP; Amelie Gagnon, UNESCO IIEP; Rolla Moumné, UNESCO IIEP

Discussant: Priyadarshani Joshi, UNESCO

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway I
10:00pm – 11:30pm/ 3:00pm – 4:30pm Panel Session: The Changing Dynamics of Global Education Reform: Globalization and Variation Mechanisms in a (Post-)Neoliberal Era

Chair: Marcia Mckenzie, University of Saskatchewan

Presenters: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Columbia University Teachers College; Antoni Verger (CC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Helen Seitzer, University Bremen; Chanwoong Baek, University of Oslo; Patricia Bromley, Stanford University; Jared Furuta, Stanford University; Rie Kijima, University of Toronto; Lisa Overbey, Stanford Graduate School of Education; Minju Choi, Stanford Graduate School of Education; Heitor Santos, Stanford University; Jane Gingrich, University Of Oxford; Anja Giudici, University of Oxford; Fabian Besche-Truthe, University Bremen; Kerstin Martens, University of Bremen; Dennis Niemann, University of Bremen; Gerard Ferrer-Esteban, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Clara Fontdevila, Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway J
Thursday, April 21, 2022
12:00am – 1:30am/ 5:00pm – 6:30pm Paper Session: Results Based Financing – Theory and practice of linking financing to results in education administrative management

Chair: Nicholas Burnett (CC), Results for Development Institute

Presentations: Arushi Terway, NORRAG; Marina Dreux Frotté, NORRAG; Gabriel Ugarte, Ministry of Social Development and Family; Geraldine Garcia Medina; Pedro Cerdan-Infantes; Francisco Zavala Garcia

Discussant: Saamira Halabi

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Nicollet D3
12:00am – 1:30am/ 5:00pm – 6:30pm Paper Session: The State and education in Latin America: Foundations, fault-lines, and alternatives (Panel 2)

Chair: Mauro C Moschetti, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Presenters: Tomas Esper, Columbia University; Victoria Desimoni, Loyola University – Chicago; Tavis D Jules, Loyola University Chicago; D. Brent Edwards, University of Hawaii; Mauro C Moschetti, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Alejandro Caravaca, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Ivan Matovich, Monash University; Pauline M. Martin, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas

Discussant: Claudia Milena Diaz-Rios, OISE (University of Toronto)

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 4, Great Lakes C
4:00am – 5:30am/ 9:00pm – 10:30pm (Wednesday) Special Session: UNESCO’s Report on The Futures of Education: Critical Perspectives

Chair: Steven J. Klees, University of Maryland

Presenters: Steven J. Klees, University of Maryland; Mark Ginsburg, University of Maryland; Joel Samoff, Stanford University; Carol Anne Spreen, New York University; Salim Vally, University of Johannesburg

Discussant: Noah W Sobe, Loyola University Chicago & UNESCO

Zoom Room 109
10:00pm – 11:30pm/ 3:00pm – 4:30pm Book Launch: “Examining Educational Policy in Latin America. Comprehensive Insights into Contemporary Reform”

Chair: Axel Rivas, Universidad de San Andres

Presenters: Maria Balarin, GRADE; Axel Rivas, Universidad de San Andres; Maria Belen Sanchez, Universidad de San Andrés; Jorge G Baxter, Universidad de Los Andes

Discussants: Antoni Verger (CC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Gustavo E Fischman, Arizona State University

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 1, Lakeshore B
10:00pm – 11:30pm/ 3:00pm – 4:30pm Paper Session: Ethics and Philanthropy: An Assessment of Academic Fraud, Knowledge Production, and Muscular Philanthropy in the United States and Latin America

Chair: Karine Votikoske Roncete, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Presenters: Karine Votikoske Roncete, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto; Heitor Santos, Stanford University; Joel Malin, Miami University; Gul Rind, Miami University/ Sukkur IBA University

Discussants: Helen Abadzi, University of Texas at Arlington; Santosh Kumar More, Mantra4Change

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway C
10:00pm – 11:30pm/ 3:00pm – 4:30pm Panel Session: Teachers and crises: mapping a progressive agenda for teacher education and teaching

Chair: Martin Henry, Education International

Presenters: Yusuf Sayed, University of Sussex; Martin Henry, Education International; Mary Ellen Metcalfe, PILO

Discussant: Mario Novelli (CC), University of Sussex

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Nicollet D2
Friday, April 30, 2022
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Panel Session: Education and Resilience: Building Back Stronger Systems Post-crisis

Chair: Sonja H Anderson, INEE

Presenters: Suzanne Grant Lewis (CC),; Nina Weisenhorn, USAID; Nicola Johnson, Chief Planning Officer, Ministry of Education, Guyana; Meriam Sassi, FHI 360; Wael S Moussa, FHI 360

Discussant: Suzanne Grant Lewis (CC),

Zoom Room 120
1:00pm – 2:30pm/ 6:00am – 7:30am Panel Session: Learning to support marginalized children: How can we overcome the status quo?

Chair: Daniel A Wagner, University of Pennsylvania

Presenters: Dana Burde (CC), New York University; Daniel A Wagner, University of Pennsylvania; Sylvia Irene Schmelkes del Valle, U Iberoamericana, A.C.; Moses Oketch, University College London (Ucl); Jo A Kelcey, Lebanese American University

Discussants: Luis Crouch, RTI; Karen Mundy, University of Toronto; Rachel Hinton, UK FCDO

Zoom Room 128
4:30pm – 6:00pm/ 9:30am – 11:00am Panel Session: Applying Ideas from Systems Thinking to International Education and Development

Chair: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Columbia University Teachers College

Presenters: Moira V Faul, NORRAG, Graduate Institute; Keith Malcolm Lewin, University of Sussex Centre For International Education; Charlotte Jones, Education Development Trust; Donvan Obangi Amenya, Education Development Trust; Juan Parra, Universidad del Norte; D. Brent Edwards, University of Hawaii; Mike Klassen, Springfield Centre

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway J
4:30pm – 6:00pm/ 9:30am – 11:00am Special Session: In Memory of Aziz Choudry: Scholar, Activist, Internationalist, Friend & Comrade (1966-2021) – Part 1

Presenters: Mario Novelli (CC), University of Sussex; Sangeeta G. Kamat, Univ of Massachusetts Amherst; Adrian Murray, University of Johannesburg; Carol Anne Spreen, New York Univesity; Rebecca Tarlau, The Pennsylvania State University; Nisha Thapliyal, The University of Newcastle; Salim Vally, University of Johannesburg; Leon P Tikly, University of Bristol

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 1, Nicollett Ballroom (A/B/C)
6:15pm – 7:45pm/ 11:15am – 12:45pm Special Session: In Memory of Aziz Choudry: Scholar, Activist, Internationalist, Friend & Comrade (1966-2021) – Part 2

Presenters: Mario Novelli (CC), University of Sussex; Sangeeta G. Kamat, Univ of Massachusetts Amherst; Adrian Murray, University of Johannesburg; Carol Anne Spreen, New York Univesity; Rebecca Tarlau, The Pennsylvania State University; Nisha Thapliyal, The University of Newcastle; Salim Vally, University of Johannesburg; Leon P Tikly, University of Bristol

Hyatt Regency – Minneapolis, Floor: 1, Nicollett Ballroom (A/B/C)

In this list, we highlight sessions in which NORRAG members or affiliates have indicated their participation as presenters, chairs and discussants. It has been reproduced from the CIES 2022 preliminary programme is available through the conference website.

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