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21 Mar 2023
10:00-18:00 CET

Event Highlights: NORRAG International Geneva Hackathon

NORRAG organised a two-day hackathon for Geneva Graduate Institute students, on 4 and 11 March. During this hackathon, the students had a common goal: create a Database and a Map of international organisations, foundations and NGOs in Geneva that contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (inclusive and equitable quality education for all). The event gave students the opportunity to acquire new skills, contribute to the project and learn about the international Geneva landscape on education.

The hackathon was organised as part of the International Geneva project which  focuses on developing understanding of the ecosystem of international cooperation for education located in Geneva, and its effects globally, especially with the Global South. More specifically, this project aims to understand how these education-focused organisations use the knowledge products and financial resources circulating in the Geneva ecosystem to advance SDG 4.

The first session, on March 4, started with a presentation by NORRAG Executive Director Moira V. Faul, who introduced the International Geneva project and guided the students in the creation of the database. The participants worked individually or in teams, identifying education actors based in Geneva, including information such as mission and education framing. Thanks to this exercise, the participants created a valuable dataset and  gained a better understanding of the education landscape in Geneva. 

For the second session, on March 11, Moira V. Faul introduced the students to the system-mapping analysis that was showcased at the event Mapping the International Geneva Ecosystem in Education, in December 2022. The students then attended a presentation by NORRAG research assistants Anaka Harish and Georgia Thorne, who presented the Impact Bonds Database and shared best practices on methodology, data collection and visualisation. 













Following this introduction, students brainstormed on the visualisation and presentation of the data previously created in the database and network map. The final output of the hackathon is the Mapping Education in International Geneva Portal, a multi-model database that features organisations in International Geneva that work towards achieving education (SDG 4) in conjunction with other SDGs.

The sessions were attended by 13 enthusiastic students, who enjoyed learning more about International Geneva and Sustainable Development Goal 4 and strengthened  their data creation and visualisation skills.  

In the framework of the Education and the SDGs and Systems Thinking projects, NORRAG is organising a hybrid event on March 23 on Complex Interlinkages between the SDGs. 


Read about the following session: 

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