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22 May 2024

Expert meeting on producing a UNESCO-IBE reader in curriculum and pedagogical transformation

NORRAG Executive Director, Moira V. Faul, is participating in an expert meeting at IBE-UNESCO on curriculum and pedagogical transformation with a view to educating the new generations for more sustainable, fair, inclusive, cohesive, democratic, and peaceful futures. UNESCO’s Futures of Education Report “Reimagining our futures together: a new social contract for education”, produced by the International Commission on the Futures of Education (2021a), makes the case for a new social contract engaging diversity of stakeholders from inside and outside the education system. As it is said in the report, this new contract depends on pedagogical relationships that make meaningful and appropriate connections between students, teachers, and the wider world.This expert workshop seeks to discuss a series of themes and approaches that will be critical to building sustainable curriculum and pedagogical transformations.
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