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10 Sep 2021

GEMR Consultation: what country profiles on technology and education?

The 2023 GEM Report will critically examine the role of technology in education. It will examine the potential and risks involved, as well as the challenges that technology puts on governments aiming to come up with coherent policies that maximize gains, while minimizing threats. The concept note of the report will be published in September, followed by an intensive period of consultation.

Since the 2020 GEM Report on inclusion and education, country profiles aligned with the report theme are being developed on the PEER website ( The profiles aim to supplement and systematize the monitoring of themes that are key to SDG 4 and can support policy dialogue.

Currently, PEER contains profiles on inclusion in education and on equity through financing in education, while new profiles will be launched by the end of the year on climate change education to mark the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow and the regulation of non-state actors in education, the theme of the 2021/2 GEM Report.

The theme of technology and education is very broad. Today’s consultation seeks your thoughts and advice on which aspect of technology and education the PEER country profiles the GEM Report team should focus on. What cross-country comparable information on laws and policies on technology and education would be most useful for the international education community and serve policy dialogue?  As with previous profiles, the qualitative information collected will be mapped and summarized as quantitative indicators, to the extent possible.

The core questions we are seeking your thoughts on are the following:

  • What policy areas on technology and education could the PEER profiles focus on that would be most useful for peer learning?
  • What indicator could the PEER profiles on technology and education help inform?

See a summary of the research approach of the 2023 GEM Report to inform the consultation.  

Please submit your suggestions in the comments below or email: by 13 September 2021.

Thank you for your support.

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