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23 Jul 2021

IDRC to host three side events at Global Education Summit

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Global Education Summit will take place on July 28 and 29, 2021. Side events relating to the Global Education Summit begin on 19 July surrounding the topics of: gender equality, learning, domestic financing, access, inclusion, COVID-19, early learning, quality teaching, and climate change. the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) will host three side events on 26 and 27 July, 2021:

Strengthening Data Systems and Utilization in the Education Sector 27 July (16:00 PM – 17:30 PM BST)

This event will contribute important knowledge and “know-how” on several ongoing global education discussions, including:

  1. How to co-create and co-implement large-scale education research with Ministries of Education, local academics, and in-country partners?
  2. What are some of the best practices and lessons learned from coordinating multi-country education research across contexts?
  3. How can research play a vital role in ensuring strengthening of Education data systems and utilization for more data-informed decision-making?
  4. How has the COVID-19 global health pandemic impacted the three research projects presented and what are some of the mitigation strategies put in place? Which ones worked and why?


Educational Research in Times of COVID-19 27 July (14:00 PM – 15:30 PM BST)

The panel will seek to present what has been learned by KIX supported research and knowledge mobilization initiatives in the context of COVID-19 in the Global South. It will focus on three complementary aspects:

  1. The design adaptations necessary to conduct research, of adequate standard and quality, in the context of a global health crisis;
  2. Observed changes in knowledge priorities, with policymakers forced to prioritize some research agendas over others;
  3. Forms of funding and support for education research available at this time.


Regional Hubs, Building Ownership and Knowledge Exchange 26 July 2021 (14:00 PM – 15:30 PM BST)

This panel will feature representatives from the four KIX Hubs who will compare and discuss the lessons learned on:

  1. What works and what doesn’t, when increasing the involvement of national representatives in the KIX Hub initiatives;
  2. Effective mechanisms to identify and validate priorities regarding knowledge and research;
  3. Innovative ways to share knowledge, build capacity and foster exchange in times of limited mobility.


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