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01 Dec 2021

IIEP-UNESCO and NORRAG Launch Specialized Course on “Using Data and Information for Crisis-Sensitive Educational Planning”

Natural hazards and conflicts can devastate education systems. When faced with multiple risks – such as insecurity and severe weather – the stakes are even higher. Today, many governments, humanitarian, and development partners recognize the need to use evidence-informed risk reduction strategies to address threats head on, to prepare, and secure the right to quality education for all. Yet this requires reliable data – and especially for forcibly displaced persons, who are among the most marginalized in the world.

As a response to this challenge, the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) is launching, in collaboration with NORRAG, a specialized online course: “Using data and information for crisis-sensitive educational planning”. The course provides in-depth training on the issues, tools and strategic approaches to crisis-sensitive educational planning; risk prevention; and reduction.

During eight weeks, participants will gain the technical skills to use data – from gathering, processing, to analyzing – for planning education in crisis contexts.

Course data:

  • Duration: 3 May to 25 June (8 weeks), with a preliminary 10-day phase beginning on 21 April to be acquainted with the virtual platform.
  • 12 hours per week.
  • Course fees: 1,600 USD for an individual | 1,400 USD for individuals in a team of four.

Application deadline: 5 March 2021

Follow the registration link for contacts and more information.

voir cette nouvelle en français sur le site IIEP

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