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04 Dec 2017

Follow-up: Inaugural Symposium “Philanthropy in Education: Global Trends, Regional Differences and Diverse Perspectives”

This Symposium inaugurated the series on Philanthropy in Education: Global Trends, Regional Differences and Diverse Perspectives, a new initiative launched and co-sponsored by NORRAG, the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research, the Open Society Foundations and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

The Inaugural Symposium entitled “Philanthropy in Education: Global Trends, Regional Differences and Diverse Perspectives” was held from 22 to 24 November 2017 at the Maison de la paix in Geneva, Switzerland.

About 140 participants from 80 organisations attended the three-day event. Through the support provided by the International Education Funders Group, a number of travel grants were offered to scholars to present their research during the Symposium.

On this page, you can find relevant documents and material which were made available during the Inaugural Symposium.

Programme and abstracts

Published with the support of Al Qassimi Foundation for Policy Research, the booklet produced for the Inaugural Symposium features speakers biographies, schedule of the symposium and abstracts of papers submitted by speakers.

Photos of the event

Pictures of the event are available here


The following presentations were given at the Inaugural Symposium. Additional presentations will be posted here when they become available.


Day 1 Opening Gita Steiner-Khamsi : Symposium Opening
Plenary 1 Arushi Terway: Innovative financing for education
Natasha Ridge: New actors, new partnerships, new roles
Plenary 2 Clara Fontdevila, Antoni Verger, Marina Avelar: Policy-influence as a core business
Prachi Srivastava, Robyn Read: Non-state private sector engagement in basic education (recorded presentation)
Parallel session 1 Fabrice Jaumont: Reconsidering development
Jennifer Laird, Maysam Ali, Chris Plutte: An international philanthropic coalition to support international exchange and online learning
Parallel session 2 Wajeha Al-Ani: Promoting philanthropic activities in education through national incentives
Day 2 Parallel session 1 Nick Waterman: The effects of external financial support on the capacities of educational non-profit organisations
Oto Potluka: Effects of external financial support on capacities in educational non-profit organisations
Parallel session 2 Sashwati Banerjee, Peter Colenso: How can philanthropy catalyse early childhood development at scale? also, watch the video
Sehar Saeed: Harvesting philanthropy for development and education: Case from Pakistan
Aysel Madra: Case study – Turkey and Syria philanthropy for refugee education
Parallel session 3 Andrew Cunningham: Investing in Education Policy Influence and Dialogue: What can happen in one year?
Keynote 1 Stephen Ball: Philanthropy and the changing topology of global education: The economization of the moral
Parallel session 4 Raymond Saner & Lichia Yiu: Philanthropic Organizations’ financing education in developing countries: need for multiple layers of monitoring
Riham Ahmed Khafagy : Changing systems and challenging inequalities
Parallel session 5 The catalytic role of philanthropy in early childhood development: International Education Funders Group
Keynote 2 Noah Drezner: The global growth of education philanthropy worldwide: Exploring the creation of new cultures of alumni giving
Day 3 Keynote 3 Maya Ziswiler: The catalytic role of private philanthropy in building the ecosystem for innovative financing for education
Parallel session 1 Ahmad Dawood: Philanthropic engagement in education: In support for education for all
Gunay Faradova: Multifaceted interdependence between philanthropy and sustainable development
Yuki Murakami: Harnessing the potential of corporations and foundations for education
Parallel session 2 Inyang Udo-Umoren: Corporate philanthropy/corporate social responsibility in education
Matthew Bird, Vicente M. León: A will in search of a way: Emerging philanthropic education models in Peru
Closing and next steps  Joost Monks: Inaugural Symposium Closing


Watch the following video, produced by the Graduate Institute, presenting the event.

Live streaming

Symposium plenaries and keynote speeches were streamed live on NORRAG Facebook page. Watch the recording below, or in our video section on Facebook. Please navigate to the start of the session to listen to the recording from the beginning.

22.11.2017: Opening, Plenary 1 and Plenary 2 (duration 2h25)

Opening: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Columbia, NORRAG and The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Plenary 1: “Setting the Stage: Philanthropy in Education Series” with presentations from Natasha Ridge, the Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research and Arushi Terway, NORRAG at The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Plenary 2: “Trends and Approaches: Motivations for Philanthropic Engagement in Education” Chaired by Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Columbia, NORRAG and The Graduate Institute, Geneva

PiE Symposium: Opening, Plenary 1 and Plenary 2 from NORRAG NETWORK on Vimeo.

23.11.2017: Keynote Speech: Stephen Ball, University College London Institute of Education:
Philanthropy and the Changing Topology of Global Education: The Economization of the Moral (duration 1h05)

PiE Symposium: Keynote Speech, Stephen Ball, University College London Institute of Education from NORRAG NETWORK on Vimeo.

23.11.2017:  Keynote Speech: Noah Drezner, Teachers College, Columbia University
The Global Growth of Education Philanthropy Worldwide: Exploring the Creative of New Cultures of Alumni Giving (duration:1h02)

PiE Symposium: Keynote Speech, Noah Drezner, Teachers College, Columbia University from NORRAG NETWORK on Vimeo.

24.11.2017: Keynote speech: Maya Ziswiler, UBS Optimus Foundation
The Catalytic Role of Private Philanthropy in Building the Ecosystem for Innovative Financing for Education (duration 1h12)

PiE Symposium: Keynote speech, Maya Ziswiler, UBS Optimus Foundation from NORRAG NETWORK on Vimeo.

24.11.2017: Closing and next steps (duration: 26mn)
Joost Monks, Executive Director, NORRAG

PiE Symposium: Closing and next steps from NORRAG NETWORK on Vimeo.

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