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02 Mar 2023

Job Board: Postdoctoral Fellow in International Sustainable Development at Indiana University

The Hamilton Lugar School (HLS) of Global and International Studies at Indiana University is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow in International Sustainable Development.

This post-doctoral position will contribute to a growing HLS strength in teaching and research on sustainable development studies in an international context. The postdoctoral fellow will maintain an active research agenda in the area of international development. Responsibilities include teaching two international development-related undergraduate courses per year as well as collaborating with the Tobias Center for Innovation in International Development to organise a conference on Area Studies and Sustainable Development to be held in 2025 and draft a resulting white paper. Finally, it includes collaboration and mentorship from the Center for the Study of Global Change, organising and presenting at K-16 educator workshops on issues related to internationalising curricula through teaching international development-related content. This is a three-year appointed position, with appointment starting on August 1, 2023.

Deadline to apply: 6 March 2023

Inquiries and questions regarding the position should be directed to Dr. Elizabeth Konwest, at

Basic qualifications for the position include a Ph.D. in a relevant field, with all requirements completed by August 1, 2023. Additionally, candidates should have conducted research addressing international development and sustainable development, have experience teaching undergraduate courses and have an interest in pedagogy as well as a background in multi-method research designs.

The IU Center for the Study of Global Change is a hub of internationalisation that fosters innovative partnerships and interdisciplinary initiatives to tackle pressing global problems in ways that meet its core values of global engagement, understanding, and responsibility. As a U.S. Department of Education designated National Resource Center, the Global Center makes a systematic, sustained effort to infuse global perspectives into learning at all levels, from pre-kindergarten through graduate school and beyond.

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