Rapid Customised Country Support

Rapid Customised Country Support

The KIX EMAP Rapid Customised Country Support (RCCS) follows up on regional capacity strengthening and peer-learning exchange activities to ensure that countries have the opportunity to uptake the learnings at the national level.

Current RCCS Programs


RCCS Vietnam: Teaching Essential Skills in 2018 General Education Curriculum

Anticipated duration: July 2024 – October 2024

News items:


RCCS Cambodia: Addressing urban teacher oversupply and rural teacher shortages in Cambodia

Anticipated duration: August 2023 – September 2024

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RCCS Europe and Central Asia: Inclusive education for children with disabilities inter-country exchange: Kyrgyz Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

Anticipated duration: July 2023 – July 2024

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RCCS Maldives: Integration of 21st century skills in curriculum in the Maldives

Anticipated duration: May 2023 – June 2024

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This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada

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