Gita Steiner-Khamsi
KIX EMAP Lead Researcher
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Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi is the KIX EMAP Hub Lead Researcher. She was NORRAG’s Academic Director from 2017-2022, having greatly expanded NORRAG’s research capacities and outreach.

She was seconded by Columbia University, where she is a Professor of Comparative and International Education at Teachers College, to strengthen the field of comparative and international education at The Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. She held a dual academic affiliation as a full professor, splitting her time between the two institutions. A past president of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), she is actively engaged in the professionalization of international and comparative education. She published thirteen books and numerous journal articles in globalization studies, comparative policy studies (policy borrowing and lending), and international cooperation.

José Luís Canêlhas
KIX EMAP Hub Director
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José Luís Canêlhas joined NORRAG as KIX EMAP Hub Manager in July 2020. José Luis has significant experience in management consulting and international development roles. José Luis worked in the financial services private sector before his career evolved to international consultancy at school and systems-level education planning and M&E roles in Africa and Southeast Asia. He also served on the Global Partnership for Education committee on Governance, Ethics, Risk and Finance. Prior to joining NORRAG, José Luis worked with Oxford Policy Management and co-authored a multi-country research – led by the University College London Institute of Education– on private education and its compliance with the right to education. José Luis holds an MA in Education Planning and Economics from the University College London Institute of Education.

Marina Dreux Frotté
KIX EMAP Education Policy, Evaluation and Learning Lead
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Marina Dreux Frotté is an expert in comparative policy analysis, with a focus on education financing, equity and inclusion, and curriculum reform. She also has extensive experience designing and managing Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) systems. Marina holds a dual role at NORRAG, the Global Education Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute. As the Education Policy, Evaluation, and Learning Lead for the GPE KIX Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Asia, and Pacific (EMAP) Hub, she monitors education policy developments and coordinates the production of policy analyses. Marina also oversees MEL activities for the project, supporting the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Hub’s activities. In addition, she serves as a Research Associate for the “Innovative Financing to Leave No One Behind” project, where she leads and supervises research and manages relationships with partners and funders. Before joining NORRAG, Marina worked with UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education, Terre des Hommes Switzerland, and various education initiatives in Brazil and Peru. She holds an MA in Development Studies from the Geneva Graduate Institute.

Julia Levin
KIX EMAP Knowledge Lead (Europe and Central Asia)
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Diploma Psychologist Julia Levin is a researcher, lecturer, and practitioner working at the intersection of international educational assessment, teacher training, and conflict mediation. She is the lead for the TIMSS 2023 study’s subproject “Digitization at Elementary Schools in Germany” at the university of Hamburg, researching digitalization and the link to teaching quality and educational results.
Since 2012 she is involved in the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) East-West Dialogue program, working on a project with a focus on dissemination of mediation in Moldova, Transnistria, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan through research and development projects.
She previously worked for the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Central Asia developing the first large-scale assessment study in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

As Knowledge Lead in the context of the Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) project, she supports the Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Asia and Pacific (EMAP) Hub. Working closely with partners from Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe she is active in efforts to enhance knowledge exchange and to promote evidence informed policy and practice.

Rasha Sharaf
KIX EMAP Knowledge Lead (South Asia and Middle East & North Africa)
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A Professor of international and comparative education and education administration at Helwan University in Egypt. She is the KIX EMAP Knowledge Lead for Bangladesh, Maldives, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen as well as NORRAG Regional Editor for the Arabic special issues. She has experience with education sector analysis ESA and planning at a few countries in the Arab region in collaboration with UNESCO, OECD and The World Bank. Sharaf was formerly the vice president for students’ affairs of the Egyptian National E-Learning University and the Egyptian cultural attaché in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Aditi Desai
KIX EMAP Knowledge Lead (Southeast Asia)
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Aditi Desai is the KIX EMAP Knowledge Lead for Southeast Asia (Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal, Philippines, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam). She has been working in the field of education since 2012, and most recently, she worked with the Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Mumbai, on projects related to teacher professional development and the overall state of teachers and teaching in India. Prior to that, she was with the Global Partnership for Education in Washington DC for about 5 years. She is skilled in program design and management, partner engagement, research, writing and communications, and her interests include global governance, teachers and teaching, and gender, equity, and inclusion. She has an undergraduate degree in engineering from Mumbai, and a Master’s degree in International Affairs from the Fletcher School, Tufts University. She is presently based in Mumbai.

Seu'ula Johansson-Fua
KIX EMAP Knowledge Lead (Pacific)
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As the Director of the Institute of Education at the University of the South Pacific, Dr. Seu’ula Johansson-Fua is an accomplished education researcher and leader with over 20 years of experience advancing Pacific education. She holds a PhD in Educational Administration from the University of Toronto, and her areas of expertise include Pacific research methodology, educational leadership, teacher education, culture and education, and education policy and planning.
Throughout her career, she has led numerous major research and development projects across the Pacific region, working with education ministries and organizations in countries such as Tonga, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Tokelau, Cook Islands, Kiribati, and others.
Dr. Johansson-Fua has also made significant contributions to curriculum design, having developed graduate-level courses and professional development programs. She is a prolific author, with publications spanning topics like Pacific educational leadership, research methodologies, and contextualizing education for development in Oceania.
Her extensive experience providing technical assistance and capacity building across the Pacific, combined with her scholarly work, has established Dr. Johansson-Fua as a leading expert in Pacific education research and development.

Amy Crompton
Senior Technical Advisor
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Amy Crompton is a KIX EMAP Senior Technical Advisor. She has diverse experience researching and developing culturally and contextually relevant solutions to advance educational outcomes for learners worldwide. Her experience working with global policymakers, donors, school leaders, teachers, and students ranges from program and curriculum development to capacity-building in research and education to engaging in high-level and institutional policy dialogue with a variety of organizations including the Institute for International Education, Save the Children, Tetra Tech ARD and the U.S. Department of State. She holds an Ed.D. in International Education Development from Teachers College, Columbia University.

Arushi Terway
Senior Technical Advisor
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Arushi Terway manages NORRAG’s work under the theme Private Sector Approaches in Education, including innovative financing, philanthropy and education, public-private partnerships, and private-sector engagement in the Right to Education movement. Over the last 10 years, Dr. Terway has examined innovative financing for education for the last ten years through an evidence-based approach. She conducts research on the conceptualisation and implementation of complex innovative financing mechanisms within the education sector that aim to bring equitable quality education to all. As the NORRAG Private Sector Approaches in education research lead, she has built a portfolio of knowledge products on innovative financing for education in achieving more and better financing for education in marginalised communities in developing countries. She has also co-edited the book on global trends in philanthropy in education, bringing out the experiences of a varied group of stakeholders in the global South. For over 16 years, she has worked on education policy, planning, and development at global organisations like the World Bank, GPE, USAID, SDC, IPNED, FHI360, OSF and R4D. She holds a Doctorate in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Master in Education in International Education Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Allison Vas
Outreach and Partnerships Specialist
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Allison Vas graduated from Teachers College, Columbia University with a master’s degree in International Educational Development and a concentration in Policy and Planning. Prior to this she obtained her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education at Western Connecticut State University, participated in the Fulbright Program, and taught abroad in Estonia. Her research interests include education policy, teacher advocacy, student well-being, and multilingual education. She brings to the team additional expertise on communications and outreach, and data analysis and visualisation.

Raül Presseguer
Senior Administrator
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Raül Presseguer brings to NORRAG his extensive experience in ICT projects in the private sector. Raül worked as a Head of Administration and deputy director in an Agency of the Catalan Government for ten years. In the last six years, he worked for and collaborated with several NGOs in Barcelona and Geneva including SinergiaCRM, RIDH, Human Right 2 Water and the CyberPeace Institute. Raül holds a BS in Software Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, a Master’s Degree in Marketing, strategies and Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Master’s Degrees in Political Analysis and in Conflict Resolution from the Open University of Catalonia.

Veronika Mosolova
Project Officer (Europe and Central Asia)
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Veronika Mosolova holds an MA in Standardization, Social Regulation, and Sustainable Development from the University of Geneva.
Her research interests are inclusive education as well as education as a tool for poverty eradication and development. She has prior experience with both the for-profit and non-profit sectors and was engaged with several NGOs in the field of curative pedagogics and assistance to children with disabilities.

Yasmeena Osama
Project Officer (South Asia and Middle East & North Africa)
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Yasmeena Osama holds a bachelor degree in political science from the Cairo university in Egypt. She has the passion for education development since she was a student and she gained the experience and enhanced her knowledge by doing internships and working in this field in different local nonprofit and international organizations specialized in education, technical education and vocational training in Egypt.

This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada

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