The initial group of strategic partners is composed of the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER), FHI360 and the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education (NUGSE) in Kazakhstan. The expanded partnership includes UNESCO Bangkok and UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Geneva).
Detailed partner description
ACER works very closely in East and South Asia and in the Pacific region. The two liaison members at ACER who will serve as the main counterparts for the RLP-3, are involved with ACER’s Global Education Monitoring Centre and cooperate closely with UNICEF, UNESCO (IIEP-UNESCO and UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education), UNESCO Institute for Statistics, and the Global Learning Metrics Task Force in the area of student assessments, monitoring, and quality measurement.
FHI 360 has been a partner in USAID’s Middle Eastern Bureau on the Middle East Education Research and Support (MEERS) program and has extensive experience working in FCACs, including in Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Yemen. NORRAG and FHI 360 have jointly established the INEE (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies) Data and Evidence Collaborative.
The Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education or NUGSE entertains institutional agreements with the Ministries of Education of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan and employs faculty members in its Graduate School of Education from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Pakistan. It has initiated the establishment of the Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum and hosts the annual event.
UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education is leading the regional coordination of SDG4 and provides technical expertise and assistance to 46 Member States in the region in all aspects of education from early childhood to higher education and lifelong learning.
UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Geneva) works with and for disadvantaged children and adolescents across 21 countries and territories in Europe and Central Asia, including response to the needs of refugee and migrant women and children.
Furthermore, the Graduate Institute, Geneva is able to draw on existing collaboration agreements with the American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) and the Asian Institute of Technology (Vietnam), established for an Executive Education program on Development Policies and Practices.
Other organizations operating in the region may join the hub over the course of the project.
In addition to these institutional partners, NORRAG can count on its 253 NORRAG members in the region who work for governments, universities, civil society organizations, or the private sector.
This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada.