KIX Research in the EMAP region

KIX provides grants at the global and regional levels to invest in knowledge generation and innovation, and to scale proven approaches in the six thematic areas. KIX grants reinforce and enhance the effectiveness of GPE grants that support education sector planning and implementation. The following KIX grants (global and regional) were awarded in the KIX EMAP region.

KIX grantees in the EMAP region

Project Accountability for Gender Equality in Education (AGEE): Bridging the local, national and global
Lead University College London
KIX EMAP Country Indonesia
Resources KIX EMAP Workshop: Cross-National Dashboards for Accountability for Gender Equality in Education
Project Adapting and scaling teacher professional development approaches in Ghana, Honduras and Uzbekistan
Lead Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development, Inc. (FIT-ED)
KIX EMAP Country Uzbekistan

Teacher Professional Development at Scale – Learning Cycle 5 with TPD@Scale / FIT-ED

KIX EAP Webinar 11: Building the Capacity of Teachers @ Scale for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education

Project A multi-modal approach to teacher professional development in low resource settings
Lead Villa College
KIX EMAP Country Afghanistan, Maldives, Nepal
Resources MATPD Project: Landscape Mapping Study, Country Report – Maldives 2022
MATPD Project: Landscape Mapping Study, Country Report – Nepal 2022
Project Bridges to impact through innovative EdTech: Forging links between policy, research and practice
Lead Stichting War Child (War Child Holland)
KIX EMAP Country Sudan
Project Common-scale assessment of early and foundational math learning across the Global South
Lead People’s Action for Learning (PAL) Network
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan
Resources KIX EAP Webinar 15: Learning assessments and education reform in the EAP region
Project Connected learning for teacher capacity building in STEM
Lead Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University (IBBU)
KIX EMAP Country Bhutan
Project Connecting Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey and Education Management Information System datasets to advance gender equality, equity, and inclusion
Lead UNICEF-Eastern and Southern Africa
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan
Project Data-driven school improvement – Opportunities, challenges and scalable solutions
Lead Society for the Advancement of Education
KIX EMAP Country Nepal, Pakistan
Resources KIX Grantee in Focus: Data-driven School Improvement (DSI) – Opportunities, Challenges, and Scalable Solutions
Project Data Must Speak about Positive Deviance Approaches to Learning
KIX EMAP Countries Lao PDR and Nepal

KIX Research Update – Data Must Speak report on school performance in Nepal (partner news)

KIX Grantee in Focus: Data Must Speak Positive Deviance Research (news item and video)

Project Data Must Speak to Strengthen Education Capacity and Advance Local Evidence Use (DMS SCALE)
Lead UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti
KIX EMAP Country Nepal
Project Distance education to improve quality and access to school education in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and Tajikistan
Lead Taalim-Forum Public Foundation
KIX EMAP Country Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan
Project Effectiveness and Scalability of Programs for Children Who Are Out of School and at Risk of Dropping Out in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal
Lead Kathmandu University, School of Arts
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal
Project Empowering schools as frontliners: Enhancing the implementation of violence prevention and management policy in Indonesian schools
Lead Pusat Kajian Perlindungan Anak/Center on Child Protection and Wellbeing
KIX EMAP Country Indonesia
Project Enhancing data utilization and decision-making in Bhutan’s education system: Motherboard Integrated Education Management Information System (MIEMIS)
Lead Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan
KIX EMAP Country Bhutan
Project Integrating early child education in sectoral planning
Lead UNICEF-Eastern and Southern Africa
KIX EMAP Country Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic
Project Lifting barriers: Educated boys for gender equality
Lead UNESCO’s Section of Education for Inclusion and Gender Equality
KIX EMAP Country Cambodia
Project Promoting gender equality and social inclusion in schools building on what children value and aspire to do and be
Lead Kathmandu University School of Arts
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal
Project School leaders as agents of change towards equity and inclusion
Lead Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development
KIX EMAP Country Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan
Project The Impact of gender and inclusive pedagogies on student’s participation and learning achievement at secondary school during the pandemic and beyond
Lead Institute of Education and Research, Dhaka University
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Timor-Leste, Vietnam
Project Using data for improving education equity and inclusion – MICS-EAGLE
Lead UNICEF Headquarters
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Yemen
Resources KIX EAP Webinar 13 “Data that speaks, school reforms that follow”
Project Using technology to improve literacy in the Global South
Lead Concordia University
KIX EMAP Country Bangladesh

This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada.

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