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12 Sep 2023
7:00-8:00 CEST

Event Highlights: Launch of the Chinese Edition of NORRAG Special Issue 07: “Education in Times of Climate Change”


The Chinese Edition of NSI 07 was launched online on 29 October 2023. It was prepared by two Editors of the Chinese language version of NSI, one is Jun Teng, Deputy Director, Professor of Institute of International and Comparative Education-IICE, Beijing Normal University, and the other is Yu Huang, Assistant Professor of Institute of International and Comparative Education-IICE, Beijing Normal University. It includes two articles written by authors located in China in addition to translations of 12 articles from the original NSI 07.

NSI 07 first gave a brief introduction of the overview perspectives, then discussed 7 main topics including “Expanding learning and agency across boundaries”, “Transforming learning, activism and relating”, “Engaging diverse knowledges in climate change response”, “Young people and the call for climate action”, “Children’s voices in climate action”, “Transforming higher education for sustainable futures” and “Inclusive, responsive educational transformations in service of sustainable futures”, reflecting different perspectives and methodological approaches undertaken by researchers from around the world on examining the role of the education in times of climate change. The event, which offered a comprehensive overview of the Chinese edition of NSI 07, presentations by the contributing authors and an interactive Q&A, was attended by participants all over the world, including academic colleagues and front-line educators.

The two articles, whose findings were presented at the event by the research team from IICE, BNU, are:

  • “Education in Times of Climate Change: Literature Review on NORRAG SPECIAL” by Zixiao Xu, Master Student at the Institute of International and Comparative Education of Beijing Normal University. and
  • “Empowering Farmers for Climate Change Adaptation in China” by Yu Huang,  associate professor at the Institute of International and Comparative Education at Beijing Normal University and Jiabei Zeng, Master Student at the Institute of International and Comparative Education of Beijing Normal University;


NSI 07 Chinese Edition can be downloaded from the NORRAG Resource Library by clicking on the link below. Select the language at the bottom of the page. The English version, published in October 2022, is also available for download.


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活动回顾: NORRAG特刊第七期中文版《气候变化时代下的教育》发布














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