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16 Oct 2018

NORRAG at the 11th Policy Dialogue Forum on “Strengthening Teacher Education: A prerequisite for quality teaching, training and learning”, 5-9 November, 2018

NORRAG joined delegates at the Annual Meeting and 11th Policy Dialogue Forum, jointly organised by the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information of Jamaica and UNESCO (5-9 November 2018 in Montego Bay, Jamaica). The Annual meeting and 11th Policy Dialogue Forum focus on the issues pertaining to teachers’ and trainers’ skills and competencies to meet all learners’ needs, to improve teacher quality/performance and quality learning.

At the forum, NORRAG and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) are organising the sub-theme 3 sessions on “Promoting equal learning opportunities for all through teacher education”. This sub-theme will consider how teacher training and professional development programs can be designed to better cater to the diversity of children in the system, and ensure that the teacher practices they promote do not perpetuate the situation of exclusion of disadvantaged children. It will also reflect upon how policies, institutional structures, and service delivery related to teacher education and professional development can help ensure that teachers are adequately posted and trained to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged children.

  • Other sub-themes of the Forum include:
    • Sub-theme 1: Knowledge, skills and competencies for teacher development
    • Sub-theme 2: Teacher training: Skills and competencies for work
    • Sub-theme 4: Teacher education: Digital learning and continuing professional development

The sub-themes illustrate why teachers and educators’ skills and competencies have a bearing on many SDG 4 goal targets, including those related to knowledge and skills for labor (TVET) and to equal chances for quality learning.

The 11th Policy Dialogue Forum will bring together over 200 participants from around the world and about 100 teacher stakeholders from the host country. It will allow policy makers, researchers, representatives from UN and other international organizations, teacher organizations, teachers, private sector organizations and foundations, to dialogue and network. It will provide the platform for stock‐taking of existing policies and practices, exchange of information, experiences and good practices on teacher‐related gaps among all the various constituencies.

The Policy Dialogue Forum aims at raising awareness among members and partners of the TTF on crucial issues for the implementation of the Teacher Target in the SDG and Education 2030 agenda. By revisiting teacher issues and sharing experiences related to teacher gaps, the Policy Dialogue Forum fosters more effective collaboration, communication and resource mobilization towards the achievement of the Teacher Target of the SDG 4 among TTF members.

More resources: 

Outcome declaration

Concept note

Conference programme

For for more information, visit:


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