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15 Oct 2018

NORRAG attends second meeting of INEE Education Policy Working Group

The second meeting of the Inter-Agency Network of Education in Emergencies (INEE) Education Policy Working Group takes place in Nairobi, Kenya on 17-19 October 2018. Patrick Montjouridès, NORRAG’s Senior Research Associate, is participating in the meeting. NORRAG was elected as a member of INEE’s Education Policy Working Group (EPWG) earlier this year for 2018-2020.

The EPWG focuses on building evidence and dialogue to ensure quality education is planned and implemented in situations of emergencies and protracted crises. Its work looks specifically at the policy-related aspects of education preparedness, planning, and provision. This includes the topic of evidence around education in emergencies policies, building consensus on Education in Emergency (EiE) policy positions, providing resources and guidance for policy-makers, and generally fulfilling INEE’s broader core functions of facilitating learning, knowledge sharing, and communities of practice and policy in the area of education policy in contexts of emergency and protracted crisis.

Alongside its work in the EPWG, NORRAG is also taking a lead role in the INEE Collaborative on building better data and evidence in EiE. Data and evidence to support education in emergency situations constitute one of the key gaps in jeopardizing funding as well as evidence-informed programming. The collaborative seeks to tackle this issue through mapping existing data and identifying gaps, increasing the availability of EiE evidence and by producing guidelines and resources for better production and use of data and evidence in education sector planning in emergency settings. This work is also related to the recently launched workshop series to develop a new Strategic Research Agenda for INEE and the EiE sector, with a first meeting taking place at New York University on 28 September 2018 in New York and co-convened by INEE, the Journal on Education in Emergencies and NORRAG.

The working group meeting is organized adjacent to the “Alliance-INEE Round Table 2018” which takes place on 15-16 October 2018 in Nairobi. INEE and the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, in partnership with Elevate Children Funders Group and International Education Funders Group are co-hosting this roundtable. The theme for this event is “Integrated programming across Child Protection and Education in humanitarian settings”.

More information on our work in Education policy and Education in Emergencies: 

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