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06 May 2022

NORRAG expert moderates panel on World Bank's Funding Education for Results Conference

On 6 May 2022, Arushi Terway, NORRAG Senior Lead Research Associate, moderated a panel at the World Bank Global Conference on Funding Education for Results: Lessons for Accelerated Learning. The session, titled “Improving Learning through Incentives to Education Managers: What Do We Know?” was based on learnings from the recent publication “Results-Based Financing for Results-based Financing in Education for Sub-national Government and School Administrators: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Recommendations”. The panel discussion focused on research and practical experience with designing and implementing results-based financing models to incentivise meso-level actors to achieve education results in Brazil, India and various low-income countries.


Results in Education for All Children (REACH) seeks to help countries strengthen their education services by focusing programs and initiatives on results, with the ultimate goal of boosting learning outcomes especially among the most vulnerable populations.

Established in 2015, the World Bank program funds results-based financing projects and provides technical support and advice on results-based financing in education to other World Bank teams and development partners. One of its main goals is to contribute to the evidence base around results-based financing in education, gathering data and knowledge that can be used to develop better education programs and policies, with the goal of boosting education outcomes.

REACH is funded by the Government of Norway through NORAD, the Government of the United States of America through USAID, and the Government of Germany through the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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