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03 Jun 2020

NORRAG Launches KIX Europe | Asia | Pacific Hub

NORRAG organised on Wednesday 27 May the online launch event as part of the newly started KIX Hub for Europe | Asia | Pacific (EAP). NORRAG was selected to host the KIX EAP Hub as a Regional Learning Partner, serving as one of the four regional hubs of the KIX Initiative.

KIX is a joint endeavour between the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) to connect expertise, innovation and knowledge to help developing countries build stronger education systems and accelerate progress toward SDG 4.

The launch convened delegations from the 21 participating countries composed of government representatives, UN agencies and other national education stakeholders, as well as strategic partners of the KIX EAP Hub and invited guests from organizations active in the region. Upcoming KIX activities in the region were presented and discussed and the participants had the opportunity to share their thematic priorities and suggestions during subregional breakout sessions.

“We are delighted that NORRAG is hosting the KIX Europe | Asia | Pacific Hub”, said Gita Steiner-Khamsi (Professor of Interdisciplinary Programmes, at the Graduate Institute and of Comparative Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, and Director of NORRAG), who led the team as Hub Director. “Our region is vast, with Albania to the west, the Maldives to the south, Papua New Guinea to the east and Mongolia to the north. Our team of dedicated professionals will help [these countries] create, together with peers in surrounding countries, studies that are interesting, relevant, data-based and of high quality, and will help [their] education systems [as well].”

As part of the KIX EAP Hub, NORRAG assembled a team of education specialists with extensive experience in policy and planning, data analysis and visualization, editing, and publishing to support and give authorship, voice, and visibility to the education experts in the participating countries during the 45-month long project. This corresponds to the core mission of NORRAG to mobilize, produce, and disseminate knowledge with a focus on providing a greater voice and enhanced visibility to expertise from the Global South.

Find out more about the project here.

Watch the countdown videos to the launch event here.

Download the report in English, Arabic, and Russian

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