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30 Apr 2021

NORRAG’s Missing Data project seeks partners

NORRAG seeks partners and co-sponsors to co-develop regional and thematic symposia on the theme of Missing Education Data.

2022 represents the mid-point between the establishment of the SDG targets and indicators set in 2015 and the deadline for meeting them. In the 2030 Agenda, it is crucial to understand how education data collection and governance regimes can reduce or perpetuate marginalisation. The commitment to “leave no one behind” cannot be achieved while those who are under-served also remain under-represented in the data or if our statistical picture of education remains partial or incomplete.

The Inaugural Conference in autumn 2021 will mark the start of a one-year series of regional and thematic symposia, which aim to bring to the fore issues and debates related to missing data in education. Following the Inaugural Conference, in person and/or virtual symposia will bring together education data experts in Francophone and Anglophone Africa, East and South East Asia, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern and Western Europe. Symposia will cover both thematic and regional challenges related to missing education data at all stages of learning and training.

The symposia series culminates in a Missing Data Summit in 2022. The Missing Data Summit will address the challenges of missing data for the Education 2030 agenda and promising ways forward, in an effort to improve access, quality and equity in education. To this end the symposia and Summit will bring together stakeholders from policy, practice and academic communities; provide an overview of missing data; map initiatives to improve data for SDG 4; and expand the opportunities for diverse stakeholders to share their expertise, practices and lessons learned.

This project is central to the “Data and Evidence” theme in NORRAG’s new multi-year strategy, recently launched at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Conference.

Partners and co-sponsors: You will be an independent organisation with a track record on data governance for SDG 4, that is active, well-connected and respected in your region. You might be in a university, policy research institute, NGO, think tank or foundation that works with NORRAG’s values of surfacing and amplifying under-represented expertise.

Action: Please e-mail Daniel Shephard with a one-page expression of interest that includes a short description of (1) your organisation, (2) its work in data governance and (3) your motivation to partner or co-sponsor on this project. Your email should have the subject: “Missing Education Data Project: Expression of Interest.”

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