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01 Dec 2021

NSI 03 (Russian) Launched 15 December 2020

NORRAG Partner, Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, launched the Russian version of NORRAG Special Issue 03 (NSI 03): “Global Monitoring of National Educational Development: Coercive or Constructive?” on 15 December 2020.

The Russian translation of NSI 03 includes 12 articles from the original, with two additional, localized papers. It aims to analyze the impact of global monitoring reports on education and educational policy around the world. NSI 03 (Russian) provides valuable insights and perspectives about the way education reports are perceived, announced, and received, but also how the reports are produced by international organizations. The issue offers a panel of reflections on how global reports and indicators shape the global development agenda.

The launch included attendees from the KIX EAP hub. Watch the recording of the event below:

Click here to read NSI 03 (Russian version)

Learn more about NSI 03

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