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23 Nov 2021

Part-time academic director of NORRAG: Assistant Professor of Comparative and International Education and the New Bildung

Gita Steiner-KhamsiAfter five years of strengthening and making NORRAG internationally more visible, the 5-year secondment of Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi from Columbia University, New York, is coming to an end in summer 2022. The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies has therefore announced the search for a tenure-track position in comparative and international education. The faculty member (assistant professor level) will serve as the part-time academic director of NORRAG. In addition to a part-time academic director, NORRAG will continue to have a full-time executive director. We are tremendously grateful to Professor Steiner-Khamsi for her guidance and are very pleased to count on her full support of NORRAG when she returns to her post at Columbia University.

Please find here more information on the job opening – application deadline: 15 January 2022

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