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05 Mar 2025

Save the date: International Day for Digital Learning (19 March)

The second edition of International Day of Digital Learning will take place under the theme “Digital leaning realities in low-resourced contexts”.

International Day for Digital Learning
Location: UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms : Room II
Type : Cat VIII – Symposia
Arrangement type : Hybrid
Language(s) : French, English

The event will highlight where, how and under what conditions digital learning is helping to improve equitable quality learning outcomes especially in challenging educational contexts.

It aims to:

  • centre the global digital learning dialogue on the conditions and experiences in unequal, low-resourced educational settings.
  • celebrate strategies and practices that overcome systemic challenges and promote digital learning quality and equity.

Speakers include Natalie Lao (App Inventor Foundation), Verna Lalbeharie (EdTech Hub), Punya Mishra (Arizona State University), as well as educators and learners from Brazil, Namibia, Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea.

We invite students, teachers, education officials, researchers, union officials, donors and private providers across the public, private and civil society sectors to join us in this conversation.

The webinar will be live-streamed and interpretation service will be provided in English and French.

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