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04 Dec 2019

Save the date: NORRAG series of events announced

NORRAG will co-organise a series of events to take place at the Graduate Institute of International and Development studies in early 2020 on the topic of education and development. The series will cover topics relevant to NORRAG’s thematic areas and feature roundtable discussions with experts, open to the public and followed by question time and networking opportunities for participants.

The first two events are scheduled as follow:

NORRAG Series #1: Innovative Financing: Examples and Debates in the New PPP Aid Architecture

Save the date: 30.01.2020 afternoon (time to be confirmed)
Location: Graduate Institute, Geneva

Given the general decline in global aid to education and the need for an additional USD 1.8 trillion per year (as estimated by the Education Commission) in low- and middle-income countries to achieve SDG4, there is a growing interest in turning to innovative financing mechanisms for the sector. Over the last decade several proposals have been discussed on using novel financing instruments and arrangements in education but it is only now that we are witnessing widespread experimentation in the sector. Alongside the enthusiasm, there also exists scepticism and polarizing debates, primarily around the engagement of the private sector in financing and delivery of education as a public good.

The panel will bring together experts in innovative financing for education to present and discuss the latest findings and debates highlighted in grey and academic research on innovative financing modalities, including results-based financing, philanthropic giving, corporate social responsibility, remittances, impact bonds, income-contingent loans etc. The discussion will be illustrated by the presentation of case studies on designing and implementing innovative financing mechanisms in India and Argentina.

NORRAG Series #1: Global monitoring of national development: coercive or constructive? Launch of NORRAG Special Issue #3

Save the date: 18.02.2020 (time to be confirmed)

Location: Graduate Institute, Geneva

This event will feature Dr Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Professor at Teachers College, Columbia University and the Graduate Institute, Geneva & NORRAG Director and Dr. Marisol Vazquez, affiliated Professor at the Interdisciplinary Program on Education Policy and Practices, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), in Mexico and guest editor of NORRAG Special Issue 03: “Global Monitoring of National Educational Development: coercive or constructive?”.

The roundtable discussion will examine how global monitoring of national educational policy impacts policy developments both at the national and global levels. Participants will be able to ask questions to some of the authors of chapters in NSI 03 and discuss the findings of the volume: are global monitoring of national education reports a positive or a negative policy tool in national education development.

Please watch the NORRAG website and social media channels for further information and registrations as well as for announcements of additional events in the series.

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