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09 Jul 2018

SDG4 Data Week: Understanding the Monitoring of SDG 4: Targets, Actors, Data and Resources

Read the post-event article including videos of the sessions and access to presentations

UNESCO and its partners have designed a monitoring framework for the Education 2030 Agenda, but for those not involved in the development process, the SDG 4 data framework can pose a challenge. To address this, NORRAG organized two brown bag lunches on “Understanding the monitoring of SDG 4: Targets, actors, data and resources,” with the support of the Education Network of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The series aims to provide members of the education community in Geneva and beyond with an opportunity to get familiar with the requirements and frameworks for monitoring SDG 4 targets, whether at the global or local level. The short series provided the most recent information about SDG 4 monitoring frameworks, and seeks to introduce stakeholders to tools and practical examples for finding and/or producing SDG 4 indicators.

The brown bag series is oriented towards stakeholders in Geneva, including staff at international organizations, NGOs, and individuals engaged in the SDG 4 agenda. The events took place on 11th and 13th of July, 2018 over lunch in 90-minute sessions in Auditorium Jacques-Freymond. Lunch was provided, and the format included an in-depth expert presentation followed by an informal Q&A session.


The BBL events will take place on 11 and 13 July 2018 in the Auditorium Jacques-Freymond (AJF, located in Park Barton), Graduate Institute, Geneva. More information on how to reach the location is available here: Practical Information.


Registration for the BrownBag lunches are now closed. For more information please contact us at


11 July 2018: Geneva launch of UNESCO Institute for Statistics ‘Quick Statistical Guide on SDG 4 Indicators’

This first BBL will be the official Geneva launch of the ‘Quick Statistical Guide on SDG 4 Indicators’. It will provide for a unique opportunity for International Organizations, NGOs and individuals to engage with the lead organization in charge of developing and disseminating the SDG 4 global monitoring indicators. As co-convener of several key SDG 4 initiatives, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics has been spearheading discussions on the development, validation and implementation of the global and thematic monitoring frameworks for education. This BBL will be an opportunity for Geneva-based and international stakeholders who have not participated in ongoing technical and political dialogues to define the monitoring framework to engage with UIS on the process and use of these technical approaches

Introduction: Sabina Handshin, SDC Focal Point Education

Presentation: Friedrich Huebler, UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Chair: Joost Monks, Executive Director, NORRAG

When: Wednesday 11 July, 12pm to 1.30pm

Where: Auditorium Jacques-Freymond (AJF, located in Park Barton) – The Graduate Institute, Geneva & live streaming on the NORRAG social media channels.

13 July 2018: Understanding data sources to measure SDG 4: using household surveys to monitor SDG 4 targets.

This second BBL in the series will introduce the audience to the production of SDG 4 indicators from Household survey (HH) data, with a focus on the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), developed by UNICEF. MICS is a particularly relevant data source for monitoring SDG4, as the latest round (MICS6) includes new education modules and indicators, and will be conducted in 80 developing countries globally. The presentation will demonstrate how global standards and international methodologies, building on the discussion in the previous BBL, can be applied to quickly obtain your own custom database and indicators. HHS have emerged as one of the main data sources used to monitor a number of SDG 4 targets as they allow for disaggregation across equity variables and more detailed evaluation of learning outcomes. But working with household surveys can be overwhelming at first due to their complexity. It can be difficult for non-experts to understand how to produce indicators from the raw data, or to extract indicators rapidly from the various existing platforms.

Presentation: Sheena Bell, Education Specialist, UNICEF ECARO

Introduction & Chair: Patrick Montjouridès, Senior Research Associate, NORRAG

When: Friday 13 July, 12pm to 1.30pm

Where: Auditorium Jacques-Freymond (AJF, located in Park Barton) – The Graduate Institute, Geneva

Understanding the monitoring of SDG 4: Targets, actors, data and resources is organised with the support of the Education Network of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

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