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01 Dec 2021

Thursday, February 4, 2021 - NORRAG member to present in World Bank webinar, "Beyond business as usual for aid to education: Who pays for what?" 

The World Bank Education Global Practices Group, in collaboration with the 1818 Society Education Alumni Group, is hosting the next webinar in their Brown Bag Lunch Series this Thursday, February 4, 2021 from 12:30-2pm Washington, D.C. Time (6:30-8pm in Geneva). The webinar, “Beyond business as usual for aid to education: Who pays for what?” spells out how external assistance needs to change in order to sustain equitable access to quality education for all.

Click here to register for the event or watch it live on YouTube.

Keith Lewin will present arguments from his paper published in the International Journal of Educational Development (2020). External assistance must become more efficient and effective while addressing the need to increase domestic revenue for education. Systematic approaches can accelerate progress towards sustainable financing for education, reduce future dependence on aid, enhance accountabilities between target setters and target getters, and encourage a new political economy of educational investment to enable countries to fully finance their own education sector reforms.

Below is the program for the event:

Chair: Robin Horn, Former World Bank Education Manager and Chair of the 1818 Society Education Alumni Group


Co-Chair: Stephen P. Heyneman, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Educational Development, Emeritus Professor of International Education Policy at Vanderbilt University, and former World Bank education sector manager


Presenter: Keith Lewin, Emeritus Professor of International Development and Education at the University of Sussex and author of over 200 publications of journal articles, books, and technical reports



Samer Al-Samarrai, Lead for the “Education Finance and Reforms” Thematic Group for the World Bank

Click here to register for the event or watch it live on YouTube.


About the presenter: Keith Lewin is the Emeritus Professor of International Development and Education at the University of Sussex. He has coordinated numerous multi-country research projects on educational planning and finance. He was director of the UK DFID-funded Research Centre on Educational Access and Equity and also Research Advisor to the Government of India’s RMSA program. His publications include more than 200 journal articles, technical reports and books. He was the founding Director of the Sussex international master’s program, a fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences and chair of UKFIET until 2020. Professor Lewin is a NORRAG member who recently co-led the discussion during the launch event for NORRAG Special Issue 05, “Domestic Financing: Tax and Education,” in November 2020. 

About the series: The Education GP BBL Series provides a space for World Bank education staff and visiting researchers and speakers to share recent findings, innovative on-the ground experience, and implementation challenges and successes relevant to the work of the Bank in education.

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