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17 Jul 2020

UNESCO and NORRAG hold Futures of Education in emergencies and protracted crises online consultation

UNESCO and NORRAG, in partnership with several Geneva-based international organizations in the field of EiE and with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), are organizing, on Friday 17 July, an online consultation on “The Futures of Education in Emergencies and Crisis Situations”.

This foresight exercise will feed into UNESCO’s global Futures of Education initiative, which aims to reimagine how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. This event is part of the Futures of Education second of three interconnected tracks to engage in public dialogue and debate with multiple stakeholders at global, regional and national levels to enrich the process of developing the report.

The initiative considers knowledge and learning to be humanity’s greatest renewable resources for responding to challenges and inventing alternatives. It seeks to mobilize the many rich ways of being and knowing in order to leverage humanity’s collective intelligence.

NORRAG has been involved in Education in Emergencies (EiE) discussions for several years, emphasizing the production of knowledge and research and seeking to bring together stakeholders to encourage the interactions between research and policy. Moreover, there are initiatives in progress to transform Geneva into an international hub on Education in Emergencies, with the objective of convening actors and creating synergies for joint action in order to advance EiE at scale.

While the event itself is upon invitation only, the outcome of the discussions will feed into UNESCO’s Futures of Education work to make sure that EiE considerations are properly taken into account in the global report and other knowledge products connected with the initiative.

How to contribute to the debate:

UNESCO Futures of Education initiative:


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