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05 Apr 2022

Webinar: School Leadership & Governance in Crisis Contexts - sharing good practice, lessons learned and opportunities for change

On 13 April 2022 at 15:00 – 16:00 (UTC), INEE’s Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Collaborative, in partnership with the LEGO FoundationEducation InternationalOxfamUNESCO, and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, have come together to support a Call to Action to transform sector-wide support to teachers in crisis contexts.

Part of this work is to share examples of promising approaches and persistent challenges across policy, practice, and research related to four thematic areas: teacher well-being, teacher management, teacher professional development, and school leadership and governance.

This webinar is the fourth and final in a series to contribute to a growing evidence base on how to improve the ways that we support teachers through prioritizing school leadership policies and practices (i.e., school leader professional development and support, community governance models, preparedness and recovery planning, etc.). School leaders are a vital part of the school ecology. They are key to providing quality, equitable education and improving the school climate for all teachers and students so children and youth are better able to learn. As our colleague Yel Luka, a deputy head teacher in Kakuma refugee camp, explained, “I find immense meaning in my work… however I find my role to be demanding with little financial incentive which can leave me exhausted and unmotivated.”

Through a moderated discussion, school leaders and Education in Emergencies actors working across contexts such as Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania will share share good practice, lessons learned, and opportunities for change to improve leadership and governance of teachers doing extraordinary work amidst extraordinarily challenging settings.


  • Christina Raphael – Senior Lecturer in Educational Leadership, Management and Policy studies, Deputy Principal – Academic Research and Consultancy: Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), Tanzania
  • Sandra Barreto and Nicole Bruskewitz  – COO and CPO, CoSchool, Colombia
  • Stuart McAlpine – Team Lead, LEGO Playful Schools initiative

Moderators and Presenters: 

  • Andrew Armstrong – INEE
  • Charlotte Berquin – UNHCR
  • Chris Henderson – Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Mary Mendenhall –  Teachers College, Columbia University

N.B. This web event will be conducted in English with closed captioning in English.

If you have any questions about the web event, contact: 


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