What is the KIX EMAP Hub?

Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX)

The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) is a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre to connect expertise, innovation and knowledge to support GPE partner countries in building stronger education systems and accelerating progress toward SDG 4. KIX is the largest fund solely dedicated to meet global public good gaps in education. A KIX Peer Learning and Exchange Portal was launched in 2021 to support the initiative.

Through funding applied research, learning exchange and country support activities, the KIX programme goal is that countries have and use the evidence and innovation they need to accelerate access, learning outcomes, and gender equality through equitable, inclusive, and resilient education systems fit for the 21st century.

KIX consists of four regional hubs, where partners come together to share information, solutions and best practices. These hubs, composed of government representatives and other local education stakeholders, are: KIX Africa 19, KIX Africa 21, KIX EMAP and KIX LAC. Their mission is to bring to the surface education policy priorities and support knowledge mobilisation and exchange across partner developing countries and the partnership at large.

In addition to these regional hubs, KIX provides grants at the global and regional levels to invest in knowledge generation and innovation, and to scale proven approaches. KIX will reinforce and enhance the effectiveness of GPE grants that support education sector planning and implementation.

KIX Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Asia and Pacific (EMAP)

Surfacing, amplifying and using research evidence for policy and planning in the EMAP region.

The KIX Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Asia and Pacific (EMAP) Hub facilitates cross-country knowledge and innovation exchange and mobilisation, learning, synthesis and collaboration among national education stakeholders in 35 GPE partner countries in the EMAP region. The Hub also offers opportunities for peer learning and exchange by means of professional development and inter-country visits.

From May 2020-September 2023, the Hub was known as the KIX Europe | Asia | Pacific (EAP) Hub. In 2023, the Hub received a grant extension through to 2027 and underwent a rebranding to the EMAP Hub as it expanded its scope of work.


NORRAG (the Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training) was selected as Regional Learning Partner to host the KIX EMAP Hub of the KIX Initiative. NORRAG is an Associated Programme of the Geneva Graduate Institute and is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The KIX Initiative corresponds to the core mission of NORRAG to mobilise, produce, and disseminate knowledge with a focus on providing a greater voice and enhanced visibility to expertise from the Global South. By providing and stimulating innovative and critical knowledge and perspectives on the interaction between international and national policies, NORRAG seeks to inform and influence policies and practices on a number of key themes.

This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada.

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